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  • Writer's pictureSilvia Araujo


Hello everyone,

As you all know, #COVID19 has certainly made its presence known. With a pandemic declared, it is important that each and every one of us does our part to stop the spread of this viral infection.

COVID-19 is a new virus, belonging to the family of coronaviruses. It spreads by respiratory droplets of an infected person to others (this makes it very contagious) with whom they have close contact (i.e. people who live in the same household or provide care). It can survive on different surfaces but can be killed by most cleaners and disinfectants. Exercise caution, do not panic, and wash your hands regularly or use hand sanitizer.

You can also access up to date information on COVID-19 on the Ontario Ministry of Health’s website:

How to self-monitor:

The Washington Post also published a great article with really neat infographs (the 'corona simulator'). Link here:

Remember: Let's #flattenthecurve (see: and practice social distancing by avoiding public spaces and non-essential travel.

Your friendly neighbourhood chiropodist,

Silvia Araujo

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